Tuesday, 29 September 2015

How to Pay Off Student Loans Faster Using Momentum

Paying off student loans is all about momentum and resourcefulness. Staying current on your payments—or ideally getting ahead of them a bit—can give you the motivation you need to tackle and clear your student loan debt quickly.

Read More: http://credit-debt-consolidation-loans.com/blog/2015/09/28/how-to-pay-off-student-loans-faster-using-momentum/

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Move-In Maintenance : How First-Time Homeowners Can Get To Know Their Home

It feels good to close on your first home. But once you’ve got everything moved in, you become a homeowner and that means lots of homeowner responsibilities and sometimes spending money on those responsibilities. From the moment you move in—actually from the home inspection—you should consider how to maintain your home in order to avoid costly repairs later. As a first-time homeowner, you now have an investment to protect.

Read More: http://credit-debt-consolidation-loans.com/blog/2015/09/20/move-in-maintenance-how-first-time-homeowners-can-get-to-know-their-home/

Saturday, 19 September 2015

The Financial Planner’s Guide to Student Loan Refinancing

Whether you’re a fee-based financial planner, investment advisor or other financial professional, chances are you’ve seen a uptick in clients dealing with student loans.
From the parents who take on debt to fund their kids’ education, to the lawyers, doctors, nurses and other professionals shouldering high interest rate grad school loans, an increasing number of clients are looking for guidance on how to balance a large debt load with rapidly evolving financial goals.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How to Get Medical Debt off Your Credit Report

Consumers who become sick or injured and can’t pay their medical bills may find themselves facing multiple layers of insult and injury. Bad becomes worse when collection agencies hound by phone and mail and delinquent accounts stage an evil takeover of the consumer’s credit report. In fact, most reported collection accounts – 52% – are medical. Fortunately, changes by the big three credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) that went into effect this past spring make it easier for consumers to get medical debt and other types of inaccurate data off their credit reports.

Read More: http://credit-debt-consolidation-loans.com/blog/2015/09/14/how-to-get-medical-debt-off-your-credit-report/

Saturday, 12 September 2015

How Chase, Citibank and Bank of America Handle Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft is on the rise and banks are constantly implementing new forms of identity theft protection into the products and services they offer to their customers. By federal law, everyone is entitled to some level of fraud protection against unauthorized use of their debit or credit cards. Chase, Citibank, and Bank of America have created ways of protecting their customers from this kind of fraud.

Read More: http://credit-debt-consolidation-loans.com/blog/2015/09/01/how-chase-citibank-and-bank-of-america-handle-identity-theft-protection/

How late payments affect your credit report

Whenever you make a late payment on one of your current liens or debts, such as a credit card, it will have negative effects on your credit report card. Banks and lenders are very strict on the payment history of an applicant who is requesting a new loan. If the credit report even shows one month on a debt account that had a late payment, it will immediately be a red flag to them. A history of late payments shows lenders that you are a credit risk, which means they will be nervous about issuing you another loan or credit card. But if you have a history of on-time payments, they will likely grant you a new loan.

Read More: http://credit-debt-consolidation-loans.com/blog/2015/09/10/how-late-payments-affect-your-credit-report/

What is identity protection and Credit Monitoring Services?

Identity protection is a term that refers to any security measure which helps prevent your personal information, such as social security numbers and credit card numbers, from being seen by unauthorized third parties. If the wrong people were to get your personal information then they could steal your identity and incur a lot of debt in your name that you will be responsible for. But when you take measures to protect your identity, you are preventing someone from doing this.

Read More: http://credit-debt-consolidation-loans.com/blog/2015/09/08/what-is-identity-protection-and-credit-monitoring-services/